About Me

A young physicist currently studying in Germany. Interested in various topics including Laser Physics, Quantum Optics, Astronomy ....
Have been working both as theorist and experimentalist. Experienced in Attosecond Physics, Quantum Optics and Laser Spectroscopy.
Besides a physicist, I am also a cyclist, a table tennis player, a pilot ......
PhD started
I started my PhD with Prof. Hommelhoff in FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg. The topic is ultrafast and strong field physics in solid-state materials.
Master Thesis Finished
My thesis was submitted on Oct 11 and defended on Oct 16. Thanks all the people who helped me during the thesis. Download my master thesis.
Pilot Licence Obtained
I passed the checkride and officially issued with the Private Pilot Licence (PPL).
Master Thesis Started
The topic is ensemble spectroscopy of Rare Earth Ion embedded molecular comple in micro-cavity.
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg
I'm working under the supervision of Prof. Hommelhoff on ultrafast and strong field physics in solid-state materials.
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Master of Science
Master of Science
Here I worked in Prof. Hunger's group, doing spectroscopy of Rare Earth Ions. Download my master thesis.
Max Planck School of Photonics
A wonderful integrated Master and PhD program.
Karlsruhe School of Optics and Photonics
A graduate school of KIT.
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science
Starting point of the adventure in Physics. I spent three years doing simulations of atoms interacting with ultrafast laser field in attosecond time scale, under the supervision of Prof. He.